Do Otterhounds Shed? – Tips 2020

If a dog with an excellent coat is a plus factor for choosing a dog, then Otterhounds must be included on your list. However, having a coat would entail the question, “do Otterhounds shed’? As we go along, we will share some necessary details about this dog breed and discuss their shedding level. If you are ready to get to know this breed, check it out below!

Otterhounds Basic Information

A dog with a sturdy body frame, a little bit longer than being taller, not takes to be exaggerated, and trots so slow, this dog is none other than the Otterhound. This dog breed also gets on steadily over long miles without being tired. Moreover, if you do not have enough information about Otterhounds, here are little few details about what is an Otterhound.

do Otterhounds shed
Image courtesy of

The Otterhound has large feet that provide traction from the rough and slippery floorings. Due to their astounding build, the Otterhounds are a powerfully athletic dog breed. They can generally withstand any harsh weather conditions and even long strenuous activities.


Regarding their temperament, the Otterhound is amiable and open, with other dogs being a pack hound. They have an acute sense of smell, which helps them trail over running waters and any kind of terrain. Also, running through their blood is a hunter giving them a natural urge to follow animal trails. Apart from that, their large nose and muzzle offer them enough space for the receptor within the olfactory system.

The moment the Otterhounds belong to the trail, they are single-minded, highly determined, and seem impossible to disturb from their task. Generally, the Otterhound loves hunting, sniffing, trailing, and swimming. At home, this dog breed may be boisterous, easygoing, stubborn for some time, affectionate with the family, and good with children.


Their coat is rough in appearance, and the outer layer has a coarse texture plus a soft wooly undercoat with slight oils. Otterhound coat is essential for their protection from brambles and cold water. 

Do Otterhounds Shed?

The Otterhound is considered a moderate shedder so expect them to shed regularly. Non-shedding and even hypoallergenic dogs tend to be more prominent compared to before.

Nowadays, dog allergic reactions are common, making animal lovers look for hypoallergenic dog breeds. They even pay more bucks to have them. Moreover, other dogs continue to be hypoallergenic in terms of the hair or the lack of it.

The loss of a pet dog may have a significant impact on many pet owners. But, remember that owning a hypoallergenic dog breed is another strike on the checklist. Generally, some breeds of dogs shed just a little hair. These dogs can be an excellent match for allergy patients.

Why Do Otterhounds Shed?

Usually, the amount of dog shedding is one-factor people consider when opting for a dog. Being a moderate shedder, Otterhounds also experience this factor. However, like other breeds, the Otterhounds shed for two primary reasons. The first one is the allergies, and the next is the length of time for cleaning the shed hair.

Moreover, the Otterhound’s coat may also influence how Otterhounds shed. Three characteristics of a dog coat may generally affect the shedding.

  • Coat types – hairless or having an undercoat
  • Coat with some degrees of curl and wave – straight, wavy, or wirehaired
  • Coat lengths – short, medium, or long

With these coat characteristics, we may already identify do Otterhounds shed based on their coat type. Generally, they have undercoats, which make them a moderate shedder. However, aside from the coat’s characteristics, many other factors may affect the shedding of the Otterhound, similar to the other dog breeds.

do Otterhounds shed
Image courtesy of


Dogs, including Otterhounds, tend to scratch themselves due to allergies, which cause itching. Thus, this may lead to their hair pulling from the coat. However, it seems that Otterhounds with allergies shed more than Otterhounds, not suffer from allergies.

Usually, flea allergies may result in intense scratching, including shedding for this dog breed, which may answer the queries, “do Otterhounds shed.” There are available topical flea medications that you may apply to the Otterhound, which may aid in experiencing lesser symptoms. Moreover, food and environmental allergies may also lead to itching and scratching of the Otterhounds.


Generally, most Otterhounds that shed are those that are unhealthy ones. This is because the ill dogs usually have parasites inside their body, competing for the nutrition that would go straight on their skin and hair. Through the deworming process, Otterhounds and other dogs may benefit from this.

There may also be a time those dogs, including the Otterhounds, may experience fever, which eventually damages the skin and hair. But, again, medications that generally control fever and fight infections are the appropriate solution for this Otterhound’s condition. Another condition that may affect the Otterhounds’ shedding is the misaligned spine, which is a chronic one. That blocks the blood circulation going through the parts of the skin.


Another reason why do Otterhounds shed is the influence of the dog’s hormones. Let’s take the thyroid hormone as an example. It generally stimulates the hair follicles to focus on the growth phase, Yet, Otterhounds suffering from low levels of thyroid hormones or hypothyroidism may have dry, shedding coats. Other hormones that may affect the Otterhound and other dogs’ shedding are the growth hormones, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and cortisol.


Do Otterhounds shed? The answer generally depends on this breed’s nutrition and food consumption. The food they eat may affect the texture of the Otterhound’s coat and the health of their skin. Otterhounds with healthy skin may have healthy follicles that give long and lustrous hair. Meanwhile, the unhealthy skin of others may generate poor oils within their skin.

Generally, healthy skin oil production for Otterhounds is essential as they have undercoats that need this natural skin oil. So, do Otterhounds shed? Yes, especially if they are not adequately fed nutritious food that provides healthy skin oil. Their hair may become brittle and fall out.

Moreover, to have a healthy coat and prevent them from shedding, it is essential to give your OH foods with absorbable proteins. They also need to be provided with whole grains and fats containing the carbohydrates they need.

Skin cleanliness

Otterhounds do shed if they have dirty and matted hair. This hair type may permit bacteria to grow over the Otterhounds’ hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Regular grooming for the Otterhound may prevent their shedding. Moreover, with regular grooming, the dead hair will be removed, and the Otterhound’s skin will be stimulated.

Sunlight and high temperature

Another reason why do Otterhounds shed is the sunlight due to the day’s length, which may boost the production of a new coat and fall out of the old hairs. Generally, the sunlight and high temperature may provoke an Otterhounds coat’s shedding once or twice a year. Once the Otterhounds get inside the house with constant temperature and a limited amount of light from natural sources, they may increase shedding.

How to Manage the Over Shedding of Otterhounds?

There is no way to prevent the shedding of Otterhounds and other dog breeds entirely. Shedding is a natural process in a dog’s life that is essential for them. However, shaving your Otterhound’s coat is not advisable because you may interfere with their natural mechanism of self-cooling and self- warming process.

Over time, shaving the hair of the Otterhounds will not lessen the shedding. In rare situations, the shaved areas will bring back the hair in a strange way or worse, not at all. Therefore, the only way to control the high amount of shedding is to deal with it.

Otterhounds’ Grooming

Otterhounds do shed, but their shedding level is not a great deal with just a fair amount of their coat. For average Otterhounds, it is good to brush their coat weekly to maintain their coat from matting. Also, grooming Otterhounds and even any other dog may lead you to notice unnecessary lumps and bumps over their body. That may also aid in keeping the shedding manageable.

do Otterhounds shed
Image courtesy of Blue Fairy Otterhounds

Giving the Otterhound a subtle weekly brushing will make them love or tolerate the activity slightly. However, if you do not do this brushing activity until he becomes old and already develops a matted coat on the underside, the brushing activity will not be fun. Moreover, it is essential to brush your Otterhound’s coat on a two to three times a week basis if the coat is generally softer.

Perhaps, some owners of Otterhounds tend to clip their pet’s coat short. That is because it gets matted, which may happen with those who have an unusually soft coat. Another thing is that the Otterhound may have allergies or skin problems. Unfortunately, doing this will take around two years to grow back their outer coat fully.

Generally, the Otterhounds have webbed feet that are hairy as well. Thus, it is advisable to trim the hair around their feet and those in-between the pads. Also, most Otterhounds have beards, and their ears are long and hairy, which gets into their food and water bowls. The beards serve as the carrier in spreading the water and food around the house.

Ear Care

Moreover, immediately check the ears and mouth of the Otterhounds if you notice an unpleasant odor. If the tooth brushing and ear cleaning activity won’t work, it is better to take the Otterhound to the vet as a severe problem may be on hand. Yet, ear cleaning for Otterhounds that shed gets a bit gunky. To get rid of this, do this home remedy:

  • One bottle of Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol – 16 oz
  • 1% Gentian violet – 20 drops
  • Boric acid powder – ¼ cup
  1. Combine alcohol, gentian violet, and boric acid altogether.
  2. Shake it well and put some over a bulb syringe.
  3. Put a solution into the ears of the OH.
  4. Massage the ears for 60 seconds and wipe with cotton balls.
  • Do not forget to shake the solution every time you’ll have to use it. That includes placing the solution between the ears from the first to the second ear. Bear in mind that boric acid settles down very quickly.
  • Perform the treatment daily for three days and monthly afterward.


  • When doing this treatment, perform this outside as gentian violet is staining.

How to Handle the Aftermath Shedding of the Otterhounds Inside Your Home?

Once you know Otterhounds do shed, it would generally be a concern. Shedding is a messy thing, and it is self-evident! Aside from regular grooming, it would be best to deal with it to prevent shedding; you also have to accept that cleaning the house regularly is the norm. That applies true during the shedding season.

Moreover, regular house cleaning is also the best way to remove your Otterhound’s hair before it gets into carpet and other upholstery. Ideally, some pet owners place a pet hair tape roller over the touch-ups. Yet, in terms of deep cleaning, you may use a handheld vacuum to pick up pet hair. Looking for this kind of product would not be a problem as many are available in the market.

Final Thoughts

Do Otterhounds shed? When looking for a dog, one of the things that you must have to consider is its shedding level. The Otterhounds are generally regarded as a moderate shedder. They shed on average due to their coat type and other factors that may affect the shedding process.

Since Otterhounds do shed, invest your time in their regular grooming so that shedding would not be your primary concern. Moreover, prepare yourself for regular house cleaning, especially during the shedding season. This way, you and your Otterhound will both benefit from this.